We are music, music is love and love is us.

Kuva: Lauri Oino/Kansanmusiikki-instituutti
Our musical history is full of different kind of music-styles ( rock, jazz, baroque, pop and folk )and we have been playing in many bands in Finland. You could hear our influences also in this project altough I sing in finnish.
We are:
Stefanos Hirvonen
Coming soon...
Katri Somerjoki
I love to sing with all my heart and I want to give feelings of love when i ´m singing. My voice is unique and I want to tell stories of my inner self and life.
I was a member of the "girl"-band Mascara in 1996-1998 which has a huge success in the finnish. I am the lead singer in Mascara ´s hitsong Erittäin Hyvä ellei Täydellinen.
In Cat Lee & Co-band we played together and that band was our second love-child. We did many musical experiments and we were almost every time winners( in musical way).
Kuva: Kari Karttiala